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How can I generate a graph from an .mtx file?

The .mtx file contains the information of an sparse matrix in matrix market format. How can I generate the underlying graph of this matrix in SAGE? Alternatively, since I now how to generate the .mat file from .mtx file in MATLAB, how can I generate the graph from .mat file in SAGE?

How can I generate a graph from an .mtx file?

The .mtx file contains the information of an sparse matrix in matrix market format. How can I generate the underlying graph of this matrix in SAGE? Alternatively, since I now how to generate the .mat file from .mtx file in MATLAB, how can I generate the graph from .mat file in SAGE?SAGE? The matrix in .mtx in format is the adjacency matrix of the graph. The problem is I cannot read the matrix and generate the underlying graph in SAGE 8.2 (Jupyter).