I have a library in PARI/GP and since Sage also supports the GP calculator I have been trying to shift my library using gp.set() and gp.get() commands. So far all functions are working but I got a PARI/GP error while implementing this function in Sage using gp.set(). Here is the code of that function:
compareSides(printedgesonscreen=0) = { local( edge, edgesCheckList1:list, edgesCheckList2:list, cancelCriterion);
edgesCheckList1 = listcreate(2numberOfLines); edgesCheckList2 = listcreate(2numberOfLines);
for (j = 1, numberOfSpheres, if( deleteFlag[j] == 0,
if( printedgesonscreen == 1,
print("Cell ",j," lies on the hemisphere with center at ",
divideInNumberField(K,Lambda[j],Mu[j]) );
print(" with radius square ", radiusSquare[j],
" and has the following edges:");
for( s = 1, length( pointsOfLine[j]),
edge = setintersect(Set(pointsOfLine[j][s]),
if(length(edge) == 2,
if(printedgesonscreen == 1, print(edge); );
if( setsearch(Set(edgesCheckList1),edge),
if (printedgesonscreen == 1,
print("***Error in function compareSides: triple edge in cell diagram");
, /* else not yet entered in edgesCheckList1 */
if(length(edge) > 2,
print("***Error in function compareSides: edge with three corners");
if(Set(edgesCheckList1) == Set(edgesCheckList2),
print("All ", length(edgesCheckList1), " = ",
length(edgesCheckList2)," edges appear twice.");
if( length(edgesCheckList1) > 3,
cancelCriterion = 1
cancelCriterion = 0
, /* else some edges do not appear twice. */
print("Some edges do not appear twice:");
); listkill(edgesCheckList1); listkill(edgesCheckList2); /* Return */ cancelCriterion };
I have run this function in the GP calculator of Sage using the gp.console() command and it works fine but I don't understand why it is not working using gp.set(). Here is the implementation I did:
gp.set('compareSides(printedgesonscreen=0)','{ local( edge, edgesCheckList1:list, edgesCheckList2:list, cancelCriterion); edgesCheckList1 = listcreate(2numberOfLines); edgesCheckList2 = listcreate(2numberOfLines); for (j = 1, numberOfSpheres, if( deleteFlag[j] == 0, if( printedgesonscreen == 1, print("Cell ",j," lies on the hemisphere with center at ", divideInNumberField(K,Lambda[j],Mu[j]) ); print(" with radius square ", radiusSquare[j], " and has the following edges:"); ); for( s = 1, length( pointsOfLine[j]), edge = setintersect(Set(pointsOfLine[j][s]), Set(pointsOfSphere[j]:list)); if(length(edge) == 2, if(printedgesonscreen == 1, print(edge); ); if( setsearch(Set(edgesCheckList1),edge), if(setsearch(Set(edgesCheckList2),edge), if (printedgesonscreen == 1, print("Error in function compareSides: triple edge in cell diagram"); ); , listput(edgesCheckList2,edge); ); , / else not yet entered in edgesCheckList1 / listput(edgesCheckList1,edge); ); ); if(length(edge) > 2, print("Error in function compareSides: edge with three corners"); ); ); ); ); if(Set(edgesCheckList1) == Set(edgesCheckList2), print("All ", length(edgesCheckList1), " = ", length(edgesCheckList2)," edges appear twice."); if( length(edgesCheckList1) > 3, cancelCriterion = 1; , cancelCriterion = 0; ); , /* else some edges do not appear twice. / print("Some edges do not appear twice:"); print(setminus(Set(edgesCheckList1),Set(edgesCheckList2))); ); listkill(edgesCheckList1); listkill(edgesCheckList2); / Return */ cancelCriterion}')
When I run this in Sage it shows a PARI/GP error and outputs the whole code. I have been trying to find the bug since the last 3 days. Please help me regarding this. Thank you.