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Putting the results of a function as text into a plot

Hello, Relatively new. How can I put the results of functions into a plot? I can't find any examples.

Thanks, Steve.


plotEquation = plot(f(x),-1,70)

equationDifferential = f.diff()(x)

big_image = plotEquation

big_image = plotEquation + SOME CODE THAT PUTS THE RESULT OF f.diff()(x) in the plot.

Putting the results of a function as text into a plot

Hello, Relatively new. How can I put the results of functions into a plot? I can't find any examples.

Thanks, Steve.


f(x) = x/33.82
plotEquation = plot(f(x),-1,70) 

plot(f(x), -1, 70)

equationDifferential = f.diff()(x)

f.diff()(x) big_image = plotEquation

plotEquation # big_image = plotEquation + SOME CODE THAT PUTS THE RESULT OF f.diff()(x) in the plot.
