I want to apply a function to a list of posets with certain properties. Im new to sage so question 1 might be trivial.
Question 1: I want the set of all finite posets with a top and buttom (this should imply that the poset is connected) that are not lattices. [format_poset(P) for P in posets(n) if P.has_bottom() and P.has_top()]
I somehow have to add p.is_lattice()=false but I do not know how to do it in sage and I was not able to search it via google what to do.
Question 2: I want now the set of all finite poset with a top and buttom that are not lattices and do not have a subposet isomorphic to the diamond poset or the pentagon poset. I asked a similar question as question 2 before but now it is not so much about time and it is ok if it works only for posets with 8 or 9 points,