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collect variables buried in an expression

Suppose we have

sol3= [M == 1/4*(2*D*Nb*Pmean - (D*H*alpha + D*H)*c)/((alpha + 1)*c)]

How would you collect the coefficients of D*H in the second term?

collect variables buried in an expression

Suppose we have

sol3= [M == 1/4*(2*D*Nb*Pmean - (D*H*alpha + D*H)*c)/((alpha + 1)*c)]

How would you collect the coefficients of D*H in the second term?

collect variables buried in an expression

Suppose we have

sol3= [M == 1/4*(2*D*Nb*Pmean - (D*H*alpha + D*H)*c)/((alpha + 1)*c)]

How would you collect the coefficients of D*H in the second term?

Specifically, once the collection is done, how could the factored version of the expression be returned?

I know from using other computer algebra systems that it can be taken all the way to this:
