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asked 8 years ago

mhfrey gravatar image

Sage Os X app and MatPlotLib / LaTex connection

I have installed the Sage OS X app version 7.5.1 and I am having problems with MatPlotLib calls and LaTeX Calls from the Sage Os X. I have also built Sage from the sources and with MacTeX installed I can get the MatPlotLib and LaTeX calls to work properly when run from the sage I built.

How do I connect the Sage Os X app to the TeX files so I can get MatPlotLib graphs with text and properly formatted LaTeX calls to work?

Thank you for your help.


click to hide/show revision 2

updated 8 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

Sage Os X app and MatPlotLib / LaTex connection

I have installed the Sage OS X app version 7.5.1 and I am having problems with MatPlotLib calls and LaTeX Calls from the Sage Os X. I have also built Sage from the sources and with MacTeX installed I can get the MatPlotLib and LaTeX calls to work properly when run from the sage I built.

How do I connect the Sage Os X app to the TeX files so I can get MatPlotLib graphs with text and properly formatted LaTeX calls to work?

Thank you for your help.
