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Coercion between commutative rings


It is said here (karma insufficient: that "in general there is no coercion between two different finite fields". When testing equality between elements of Z/(n) and Z/(m), why is there coercion to Z/(gcd only if \gcd(m,n) \neq 1 ?

zz3, zz5, zz6, zz10 = (ZZ.quotient(n) for n in [3,5,6,10])
zz6(0) == zz10(0) # True
zz3(0) == zz5(0) # False

I understand that testing equality in the null ring is not "useful", but why is it so inhomogeneous ? If some automated procedure depends on that feature, it would surely need to consider zz3(0) == zz5(0) to be true.

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 8 years ago

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Coercion between commutative ringsquotients of \mathbb{Z}


It is said here (karma insufficient: here that "in general there is no coercion between two different finite fields". When testing equality between elements of \mathbb{Z}/(n) and \mathbb{Z}/(m), why is there coercion to \mathbb{Z}/(\gcd(m,n)) only if \gcd(m,n) \neq 1 ?

zz3, zz5, zz6, zz10 = (ZZ.quotient(n) for n in [3,5,6,10])
zz6(0) == zz10(0) # True
zz3(0) == zz5(0) # False

I understand that testing equality in the null ring is not "useful", but why is it so inhomogeneous ? If some automated procedure depends on that feature, it would surely need to consider zz3(0) == zz5(0) to be true.