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Any way to solve these simultaneous equations using Sage?

   1: var('E_0,E,gamma,c,v,m,m_0')
(E_0, E, gamma, c, v, m, m_0)
   2: eq1 = gamma == 1/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
   3: eq2 = m == gamma*m_0
   4: eq3 = E == m*c^2
   5: eq4 = E_0 == m_0*c^2
   6: solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4],v,m,m_0,gamma)

The expected solution is v = c * sqrt(1-E_0^2/E^2).

I get the following error message. I tried assuming all the variables to be positive and real, but get the same error message.

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-c0343319abfc> in <module>()
----> 1 solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4],v,m,m_0,gamma)

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/relation.pyc in solve(f, *args, **kwds)
    863             s = []
--> 865     sol_list = string_to_list_of_solutions(repr(s))
    867     # Relaxed form suggested by Mike Hansen (#8553):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/relation.pyc in string_to_list_of_solutions(s)
    538     from sage.structure.sequence import Sequence
    539     from sage.calculus.calculus import symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string
--> 540     v = symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string(s, equals_sub=True)
    541     return Sequence(v, universe=Objects(), cr_str=True)

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/calculus/calculus.pyc in symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string(x, equals_sub, maxima)
   1798     if len(x) == 0:
   1799         raise RuntimeError("invalid symbolic expression -- ''")
-> 1800     maxima.set('_tmp_',x)
   1802     # This is inefficient since it so rarely is needed:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/maxima_lib.pyc in set(self, var, value)
    504             raise TypeError
    505         cmd = '%s : %s$'%(var, value.rstrip(';'))
--> 506         self.eval(cmd)
    508     def clear(self, var):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/maxima_lib.pyc in _eval_line(self, line, locals, reformat, **kwds)
    450                 line = line[ind_dollar+1:]
    451                 if statement:
--> 452                     maxima_eval("#$%s$" % statement)
    453         if not reformat:
    454             return result

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.EclObject.__call__ (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:7698)()
    794         """
--> 795         lispargs = EclObject(list(args))
    796         return ecl_wrap(ecl_safe_apply(self.obj,(<EclObject>lispargs).obj))

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.EclObject.__init__ (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:7221)()
    658         """
    659         if len(args) != 0:
--> 660             self.set_obj(python_to_ecl(args[0]))
    662     def __reduce__(self):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.python_to_ecl (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:6254)()
    473             return Cnil
    474         else:
--> 475             L=cl_cons(python_to_ecl(pyobj[0]),Cnil)
    476             ptr=L
    477             for a in pyobj[1:]:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.python_to_ecl (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5990)()
    457     elif isinstance(pyobj,bytes):
    458         s=<bytes>pyobj
--> 459         return ecl_safe_read_string(s)
    460     elif isinstance(pyobj,Integer):
    461         if pyobj >= MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM and pyobj <= MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.ecl_safe_read_string (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5409)()
    374     cdef cl_object o
    375     o = ecl_cstring_to_base_string_or_nil(s)
--> 376     o = ecl_safe_funcall(read_from_string_clobj,o)
    377     return o

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.ecl_safe_funcall (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5208)()
    355     if ecl_nvalues > 1:
    356         s = si_coerce_to_base_string(ecl_values(1))
--> 357         raise RuntimeError("ECL says: "+ecl_base_string_pointer_safe(s))
    358     else:
    359         return ecl_values(0)

RuntimeError: ECL says: THROW: The catch MACSYMA-QUIT is undefined.

Any way to solve these simultaneous equations using Sage?


1: var('E_0,E,gamma,c,v,m,m_0') (E_0, E, gamma, c, v, m, m_0) 2: eq1 = gamma == 1/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) 3: eq2 = m == gamma*m_0 gammam_0 4: eq3 = E == m*c^2 mc^2 5: eq4 = E_0 == m_0*c^2 6: solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4],v,m,m_0,gamma)


The expected solution for v is v = c * sqrt(1-E_0^2/E^2).

I get the following error message. I tried assuming all the variables to be positive and real, but get the same error message.

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-c0343319abfc> in <module>()
----> 1 solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4],v,m,m_0,gamma)

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/relation.pyc in solve(f, *args, **kwds)
    863             s = []
--> 865     sol_list = string_to_list_of_solutions(repr(s))
    867     # Relaxed form suggested by Mike Hansen (#8553):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/relation.pyc in string_to_list_of_solutions(s)
    538     from sage.structure.sequence import Sequence
    539     from sage.calculus.calculus import symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string
--> 540     v = symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string(s, equals_sub=True)
    541     return Sequence(v, universe=Objects(), cr_str=True)

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/calculus/calculus.pyc in symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string(x, equals_sub, maxima)
   1798     if len(x) == 0:
   1799         raise RuntimeError("invalid symbolic expression -- ''")
-> 1800     maxima.set('_tmp_',x)
   1802     # This is inefficient since it so rarely is needed:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/maxima_lib.pyc in set(self, var, value)
    504             raise TypeError
    505         cmd = '%s : %s$'%(var, value.rstrip(';'))
--> 506         self.eval(cmd)
    508     def clear(self, var):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/maxima_lib.pyc in _eval_line(self, line, locals, reformat, **kwds)
    450                 line = line[ind_dollar+1:]
    451                 if statement:
--> 452                     maxima_eval("#$%s$" % statement)
    453         if not reformat:
    454             return result

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.EclObject.__call__ (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:7698)()
    794         """
--> 795         lispargs = EclObject(list(args))
    796         return ecl_wrap(ecl_safe_apply(self.obj,(<EclObject>lispargs).obj))

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.EclObject.__init__ (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:7221)()
    658         """
    659         if len(args) != 0:
--> 660             self.set_obj(python_to_ecl(args[0]))
    662     def __reduce__(self):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.python_to_ecl (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:6254)()
    473             return Cnil
    474         else:
--> 475             L=cl_cons(python_to_ecl(pyobj[0]),Cnil)
    476             ptr=L
    477             for a in pyobj[1:]:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.python_to_ecl (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5990)()
    457     elif isinstance(pyobj,bytes):
    458         s=<bytes>pyobj
--> 459         return ecl_safe_read_string(s)
    460     elif isinstance(pyobj,Integer):
    461         if pyobj >= MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM and pyobj <= MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.ecl_safe_read_string (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5409)()
    374     cdef cl_object o
    375     o = ecl_cstring_to_base_string_or_nil(s)
--> 376     o = ecl_safe_funcall(read_from_string_clobj,o)
    377     return o

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.ecl_safe_funcall (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5208)()
    355     if ecl_nvalues > 1:
    356         s = si_coerce_to_base_string(ecl_values(1))
--> 357         raise RuntimeError("ECL says: "+ecl_base_string_pointer_safe(s))
    358     else:
    359         return ecl_values(0)

RuntimeError: ECL says: THROW: The catch MACSYMA-QUIT is undefined.

Any way to solve these simultaneous equations using Sage?

Input is as following

 1: var('E_0,E,gamma,c,v,m,m_0')
 (E_0, E, gamma, c, v, m, m_0)
    2: eq1 = gamma == 1/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
    3: eq2 = m == gammam_0
   4: eq3 = E == mc^2
   5: eq4 = E_0 == m_0*c^2
    6: solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4],v,m,m_0,gamma)


The expected solution for v is v = c * sqrt(1-E_0^2/E^2).

I get the following error message. I tried assuming all the variables to be positive and real, but get the same error message.

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-c0343319abfc> in <module>()
----> 1 solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4],v,m,m_0,gamma)

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/relation.pyc in solve(f, *args, **kwds)
    863             s = []
--> 865     sol_list = string_to_list_of_solutions(repr(s))
    867     # Relaxed form suggested by Mike Hansen (#8553):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/relation.pyc in string_to_list_of_solutions(s)
    538     from sage.structure.sequence import Sequence
    539     from sage.calculus.calculus import symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string
--> 540     v = symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string(s, equals_sub=True)
    541     return Sequence(v, universe=Objects(), cr_str=True)

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/calculus/calculus.pyc in symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string(x, equals_sub, maxima)
   1798     if len(x) == 0:
   1799         raise RuntimeError("invalid symbolic expression -- ''")
-> 1800     maxima.set('_tmp_',x)
   1802     # This is inefficient since it so rarely is needed:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/maxima_lib.pyc in set(self, var, value)
    504             raise TypeError
    505         cmd = '%s : %s$'%(var, value.rstrip(';'))
--> 506         self.eval(cmd)
    508     def clear(self, var):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/maxima_lib.pyc in _eval_line(self, line, locals, reformat, **kwds)
    450                 line = line[ind_dollar+1:]
    451                 if statement:
--> 452                     maxima_eval("#$%s$" % statement)
    453         if not reformat:
    454             return result

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.EclObject.__call__ (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:7698)()
    794         """
--> 795         lispargs = EclObject(list(args))
    796         return ecl_wrap(ecl_safe_apply(self.obj,(<EclObject>lispargs).obj))

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.EclObject.__init__ (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:7221)()
    658         """
    659         if len(args) != 0:
--> 660             self.set_obj(python_to_ecl(args[0]))
    662     def __reduce__(self):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.python_to_ecl (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:6254)()
    473             return Cnil
    474         else:
--> 475             L=cl_cons(python_to_ecl(pyobj[0]),Cnil)
    476             ptr=L
    477             for a in pyobj[1:]:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.python_to_ecl (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5990)()
    457     elif isinstance(pyobj,bytes):
    458         s=<bytes>pyobj
--> 459         return ecl_safe_read_string(s)
    460     elif isinstance(pyobj,Integer):
    461         if pyobj >= MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM and pyobj <= MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.ecl_safe_read_string (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5409)()
    374     cdef cl_object o
    375     o = ecl_cstring_to_base_string_or_nil(s)
--> 376     o = ecl_safe_funcall(read_from_string_clobj,o)
    377     return o

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.ecl_safe_funcall (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5208)()
    355     if ecl_nvalues > 1:
    356         s = si_coerce_to_base_string(ecl_values(1))
--> 357         raise RuntimeError("ECL says: "+ecl_base_string_pointer_safe(s))
    358     else:
    359         return ecl_values(0)

RuntimeError: ECL says: THROW: The catch MACSYMA-QUIT is undefined.

Any way to solve these simultaneous equations using Sage?

Input is as following

   1: var('E_0,E,gamma,c,v,m,m_0')
(E_0, E, gamma, c, v, m, m_0)
   2: eq1 = gamma == 1/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
   3: eq2 = m == gamma*m_0
   4: eq3 = E == m*c^2
   5: eq4 = E_0 == m_0*c^2
   6: solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4],v,m,m_0,gamma)

The expected solution for v is v = c * sqrt(1-E_0^2/E^2).

I get the following error message. I tried assuming all the variables to be positive and real, but get the same error message.

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-c0343319abfc> in <module>()
----> 1 solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4],v,m,m_0,gamma)

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/relation.pyc in solve(f, *args, **kwds)
    863             s = []
--> 865     sol_list = string_to_list_of_solutions(repr(s))
    867     # Relaxed form suggested by Mike Hansen (#8553):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/relation.pyc in string_to_list_of_solutions(s)
    538     from sage.structure.sequence import Sequence
    539     from sage.calculus.calculus import symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string
--> 540     v = symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string(s, equals_sub=True)
    541     return Sequence(v, universe=Objects(), cr_str=True)

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/calculus/calculus.pyc in symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string(x, equals_sub, maxima)
   1798     if len(x) == 0:
   1799         raise RuntimeError("invalid symbolic expression -- ''")
-> 1800     maxima.set('_tmp_',x)
   1802     # This is inefficient since it so rarely is needed:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/maxima_lib.pyc in set(self, var, value)
    504             raise TypeError
    505         cmd = '%s : %s$'%(var, value.rstrip(';'))
--> 506         self.eval(cmd)
    508     def clear(self, var):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/maxima_lib.pyc in _eval_line(self, line, locals, reformat, **kwds)
    450                 line = line[ind_dollar+1:]
    451                 if statement:
--> 452                     maxima_eval("#$%s$" % statement)
    453         if not reformat:
    454             return result

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.EclObject.__call__ (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:7698)()
    794         """
--> 795         lispargs = EclObject(list(args))
    796         return ecl_wrap(ecl_safe_apply(self.obj,(<EclObject>lispargs).obj))

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.EclObject.__init__ (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:7221)()
    658         """
    659         if len(args) != 0:
--> 660             self.set_obj(python_to_ecl(args[0]))
    662     def __reduce__(self):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.python_to_ecl (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:6254)()
    473             return Cnil
    474         else:
--> 475             L=cl_cons(python_to_ecl(pyobj[0]),Cnil)
    476             ptr=L
    477             for a in pyobj[1:]:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.python_to_ecl (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5990)()
    457     elif isinstance(pyobj,bytes):
    458         s=<bytes>pyobj
--> 459         return ecl_safe_read_string(s)
    460     elif isinstance(pyobj,Integer):
    461         if pyobj >= MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM and pyobj <= MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.ecl_safe_read_string (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5409)()
    374     cdef cl_object o
    375     o = ecl_cstring_to_base_string_or_nil(s)
--> 376     o = ecl_safe_funcall(read_from_string_clobj,o)
    377     return o

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.ecl_safe_funcall (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5208)()
    355     if ecl_nvalues > 1:
    356         s = si_coerce_to_base_string(ecl_values(1))
--> 357         raise RuntimeError("ECL says: "+ecl_base_string_pointer_safe(s))
    358     else:
    359         return ecl_values(0)

RuntimeError: ECL says: THROW: The catch MACSYMA-QUIT is undefined.

Any way to solve these simultaneous equations using Sage?

Input is as following

   1: var('E_0,E,gamma,c,v,m,m_0')
(E_0, E, gamma, c, v, m, m_0)
   2: eq1 = gamma == 1/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
   3: eq2 = m == gamma*m_0
   4: eq3 = E == m*c^2
   5: eq4 = E_0 == m_0*c^2
   6: solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4],v,m,m_0,gamma)

The expected solution for v is v = c * sqrt(1-E_0^2/E^2).

I get the following error message. I tried assuming all the variables to be positive and real, but get the same error message.

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-c0343319abfc> in <module>()
----> 1 solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4],v,m,m_0,gamma)

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/relation.pyc in solve(f, *args, **kwds)
    863             s = []
--> 865     sol_list = string_to_list_of_solutions(repr(s))
    867     # Relaxed form suggested by Mike Hansen (#8553):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/relation.pyc in string_to_list_of_solutions(s)
    538     from sage.structure.sequence import Sequence
    539     from sage.calculus.calculus import symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string
--> 540     v = symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string(s, equals_sub=True)
    541     return Sequence(v, universe=Objects(), cr_str=True)

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/calculus/calculus.pyc in symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string(x, equals_sub, maxima)
   1798     if len(x) == 0:
   1799         raise RuntimeError("invalid symbolic expression -- ''")
-> 1800     maxima.set('_tmp_',x)
   1802     # This is inefficient since it so rarely is needed:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/maxima_lib.pyc in set(self, var, value)
    504             raise TypeError
    505         cmd = '%s : %s$'%(var, value.rstrip(';'))
--> 506         self.eval(cmd)
    508     def clear(self, var):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/maxima_lib.pyc in _eval_line(self, line, locals, reformat, **kwds)
    450                 line = line[ind_dollar+1:]
    451                 if statement:
--> 452                     maxima_eval("#$%s$" % statement)
    453         if not reformat:
    454             return result

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.EclObject.__call__ (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:7698)()
    794         """
--> 795         lispargs = EclObject(list(args))
    796         return ecl_wrap(ecl_safe_apply(self.obj,(<EclObject>lispargs).obj))

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.EclObject.__init__ (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:7221)()
    658         """
    659         if len(args) != 0:
--> 660             self.set_obj(python_to_ecl(args[0]))
    662     def __reduce__(self):

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.python_to_ecl (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:6254)()
    473             return Cnil
    474         else:
--> 475             L=cl_cons(python_to_ecl(pyobj[0]),Cnil)
    476             ptr=L
    477             for a in pyobj[1:]:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.python_to_ecl (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5990)()
    457     elif isinstance(pyobj,bytes):
    458         s=<bytes>pyobj
--> 459         return ecl_safe_read_string(s)
    460     elif isinstance(pyobj,Integer):
    461         if pyobj >= MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM and pyobj <= MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM:

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.ecl_safe_read_string (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5409)()
    374     cdef cl_object o
    375     o = ecl_cstring_to_base_string_or_nil(s)
--> 376     o = ecl_safe_funcall(read_from_string_clobj,o)
    377     return o

/home/sage/sage-7.4/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx in sage.libs.ecl.ecl_safe_funcall (/home/sage/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/ecl.c:5208)()
    355     if ecl_nvalues > 1:
    356         s = si_coerce_to_base_string(ecl_values(1))
--> 357         raise RuntimeError("ECL says: "+ecl_base_string_pointer_safe(s))
    358     else:
    359         return ecl_values(0)

RuntimeError: ECL says: THROW: The catch MACSYMA-QUIT is undefined.