I've written a recursive function to approximate the count of k < K with 6*k +-1 both composite. It's accurate enough that now I want to:
- Clean it up
- Use any theory/sage tools I should have started with
- Derive an equation, upper and lower bounds, etc.
- Write a paper on it
I confess that I'm stumped by the recursion to equation/theory part. All my attempts at combinatoric, iterative, etc. failed. Can you help me clean it up and put it in it's best form? I may have to do a print trace to help me see the math. I'm worried a code to math theory question won't fit anywhere.
# twin composite counting function, recursive
def twinc(k, flag, plist):
# no more primes to try OR range < prime
if len(plist) == 0:
return 0
if k < plist[0]:
return 0
p = plist[0]; del plist[0]
ki = ceil(k/p)
# half of twin is composite
# ki = count of (k + pq): p | other half
# try other primes where p misses
if flag > 0:
return ki + twinc(k - ki, flag, plist)
# previous primes all missed, divide range into:
# p | -1 or +1, p missed
return twinc(ki, 1, copy(plist))*2 + twinc(k - ki*2, 0, plist)
# end twinc
Test program:
pmax = 201
plist = prime_range(5, pmax)
kmax = 5*max(plist) + 1
tlist = [(k, twinc(k, 0, copy(plist))) for k in range(5, kmax, 5)]
P = list_plot(tlist, plotjoined=True) # direct plot fails, use stepping?