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How to treat a vector space as a group?

I need to use a module as a group, so that I can define a group algebra over this module.

Essentially, I want to take the group of 2-dimensional complex vector space and define a group algebra over this. I cannot find appropriate direction on the internet and sage gives me the ridiculous "False" as below.

sage: V=FreeModule(CC,2)

sage: V in Groups()


How to treat a vector space as a group?

I need to use a module as a group, so that I can define a group algebra over this module.

Essentially, I want to take the group of 2-dimensional complex vector space and define a group algebra over this. I cannot find appropriate direction on the internet and sage gives me the ridiculous "False" as below.

sage: V=FreeModule(CC,2)

V=FreeModule(CC,2) sage: V in Groups()Groups() False
