I just started using sage yesterday, and I'm trying to plot a solution to an ODE. Here is my code:
t = var('t')
c = function('c',t)
s = 0.025
n = 10^8
r = 10^(-6)
ode = diff(c,t)==r*c*(1-c)*n+s/(1+s*c)*c*(1-c)
sol1 = desolve(de=ode, ivar=t, dvar=c,ics=[0,2])
sol1 = sol1.simplify_full()
solc = solve(sol1,c)
sage returns a solution for solc:
solc = solve(sol1,c); solc
[log(c(t)) == 4001/40*t + 1/164040*log(4201) + log(2) - 1/164040*log(100*c(t) + 4001) + 164041/164040*log(c(t) - 1)]
The error message I get is:
verbose 0 (3517: plot.py, generate_plot_points) WARNING: When plotting, failed to evaluate function at 200 points.
verbose 0 (3517: plot.py, generate_plot_points) Last error message: 'unable to simplify to float approximation'
Is there any way to plot this?
Thanks in advance.