Does anyone know how to apply memoized function to a recursive function? specifically the def f(xn) function in the following function?
I am trying to improve the following code to be able to factor a numbers. It seems to work well for values like 7331116 and 7331118 but 7331117 results in a recursion depth error and I can't figure out how to improve the code. Someone suggested to me to memoize the def f(xn) function but all can find online is that you add @CachedFunction right before the function is declared but it doesn't seem to help.
def pollard_Rho(n):
def f(xn):
# This calculates f(x) = x^2+1 based on x0=2.
return (1 + f(xn-1)**2)%n if xn else 2
i=0 # Counting variable
x=f(i) # calculating x of the pollard rho method.
y=f(f(i)) # calculating y of the pollard rho method.
d=gcd(abs(x-y),n) # calculating gcd to construct loop.
while d==1: # A loop looking for a non 1 interesting gcd.
i = i + 1 # counting iterations
print d # Printing d=gcd for debugging purposes.
root1=d # Yes! found a factor, now we can find the other one.
root2=n/d # Hey! Here is the other factor!
print i + 1 # debugging print out.
return (root1,root2) # Kick those factors out into the world.
print pollard_Rho(7331118)