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Sage-6.5 Maxima simplify_full() error

Hi all, the following code was working fine in 6.4.1 (I am using the AIIMS ppa in Ubuntu) and now after the 6.5 upgrade, it doesn't work anymore. Assume I have defined all variables.

u(t) = exp(-(t-t_0)^2/(2*sigma^2)) + exp(-(t-t_1)^2/(2*sigma^2)) ; u(t);
u_tilde = integral(u(t)*exp(-I*omega*t), t, -infinity, +infinity, hold=False).simplify_full(); u_tilde;

The problem is in simplify_full(). The erf function and their limits are not evaluated for some reason. I have a hunch this problem has been posted before but I am not sure. The full traceback is given below. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-66e6236c7bf7> in <module>()
----> 1 u_tilde = integral(u(t)*exp(-I*omega*t), t, -infinity, +infinity, hold=False).simplify_full(); u_tilde;

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.simplify_full (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:40350)()
   8258         """
   8259         x = self
-> 8260         x = x.simplify_factorial()
   8261         x = x.simplify_rectform()
   8262         x = x.simplify_trig()

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.simplify_factorial (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:43472)()
   8730         """
-> 8731         return self.parent()(self._maxima_().makefact().factcomb().minfactorial())
   8733     factorial_simplify = simplify_factorial

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression._maxima_ (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:5512)()
    582             # Maybe not such a great idea because the "default" interface is another one
    583             from sage.calculus.calculus import maxima
--> 584             return super(Expression, self)._interface_(maxima)
    585         else:
    586             return super(Expression, self)._interface_(session)

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject._interface_ (build/cythonized/sage/structure/sage_object.c:5203)()
    592                 raise NotImplementedError, "coercion of object %s to %s not implemented:\n%s\n%s"%\
    593                   (repr(self), I)
--> 594         X = I(s)
    595         if c:
    596             try:

/usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/interface.pyc in __call__(self, x, name)
    198         if isinstance(x, basestring):
--> 199             return cls(self, x, name=name)
    200         try:
    201             return self._coerce_from_special_method(x)

/usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/interface.pyc in __init__(self, parent, value, is_name, name)
    624                 self._name = parent._create(value, name=name)
    625             except (TypeError, RuntimeError, ValueError) as x:
--> 626                 raise TypeError(x)
    628     def _latex_(self):

TypeError: ECL says: Error executing code in Maxima:

Sage-6.5 Maxima simplify_full() error

Hi all, the following code was working fine in 6.4.1 (I am using the AIIMS ppa in Ubuntu) and now after the 6.5 upgrade, it doesn't work anymore. Assume I have defined all variables.

u(t) = exp(-(t-t_0)^2/(2*sigma^2)) + exp(-(t-t_1)^2/(2*sigma^2)) ; u(t);
u_tilde = integral(u(t)*exp(-I*omega*t), t, -infinity, +infinity, hold=False).simplify_full(); u_tilde;

The problem is in simplify_full(). The erf function and their limits are not evaluated for some reason. I have a hunch this problem has been posted before but I am not sure. The full traceback is given below. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-66e6236c7bf7> in <module>()
----> 1 u_tilde = integral(u(t)*exp(-I*omega*t), t, -infinity, +infinity, hold=False).simplify_full(); u_tilde;

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.simplify_full (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:40350)()
   8258         """
   8259         x = self
-> 8260         x = x.simplify_factorial()
   8261         x = x.simplify_rectform()
   8262         x = x.simplify_trig()

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.simplify_factorial (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:43472)()
   8730         """
-> 8731         return self.parent()(self._maxima_().makefact().factcomb().minfactorial())
   8733     factorial_simplify = simplify_factorial

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression._maxima_ (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:5512)()
    582             # Maybe not such a great idea because the "default" interface is another one
    583             from sage.calculus.calculus import maxima
--> 584             return super(Expression, self)._interface_(maxima)
    585         else:
    586             return super(Expression, self)._interface_(session)

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject._interface_ (build/cythonized/sage/structure/sage_object.c:5203)()
    592                 raise NotImplementedError, "coercion of object %s to %s not implemented:\n%s\n%s"%\
    593                   (repr(self), I)
--> 594         X = I(s)
    595         if c:
    596             try:

/usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/interface.pyc in __call__(self, x, name)
    198         if isinstance(x, basestring):
--> 199             return cls(self, x, name=name)
    200         try:
    201             return self._coerce_from_special_method(x)

/usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/interface.pyc in __init__(self, parent, value, is_name, name)
    624                 self._name = parent._create(value, name=name)
    625             except (TypeError, RuntimeError, ValueError) as x:
--> 626                 raise TypeError(x)
    628     def _latex_(self):

TypeError: ECL says: Error executing code in Maxima:

Sage-6.5 simplify_full() Maxima simplify_full() ECL error

Hi all, the following code was working fine in 6.4.1 (I am using the AIIMS ppa in Ubuntu) and now after the 6.5 upgrade, it doesn't work anymore. Assume I have defined all variables.

u(t) = exp(-(t-t_0)^2/(2*sigma^2)) + exp(-(t-t_1)^2/(2*sigma^2)) ; u(t);
u_tilde = integral(u(t)*exp(-I*omega*t), t, -infinity, +infinity, hold=False).simplify_full(); u_tilde;

The problem is in simplify_full(). The erf function and their limits are not evaluated for some reason. I have a hunch this problem has been posted before but I am not sure. The full traceback is given below. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-66e6236c7bf7> in <module>()
----> 1 u_tilde = integral(u(t)*exp(-I*omega*t), t, -infinity, +infinity, hold=False).simplify_full(); u_tilde;

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.simplify_full (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:40350)()
   8258         """
   8259         x = self
-> 8260         x = x.simplify_factorial()
   8261         x = x.simplify_rectform()
   8262         x = x.simplify_trig()

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.simplify_factorial (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:43472)()
   8730         """
-> 8731         return self.parent()(self._maxima_().makefact().factcomb().minfactorial())
   8733     factorial_simplify = simplify_factorial

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression._maxima_ (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:5512)()
    582             # Maybe not such a great idea because the "default" interface is another one
    583             from sage.calculus.calculus import maxima
--> 584             return super(Expression, self)._interface_(maxima)
    585         else:
    586             return super(Expression, self)._interface_(session)

/usr/lib/sagemath/src/sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject._interface_ (build/cythonized/sage/structure/sage_object.c:5203)()
    592                 raise NotImplementedError, "coercion of object %s to %s not implemented:\n%s\n%s"%\
    593                   (repr(self), I)
--> 594         X = I(s)
    595         if c:
    596             try:

/usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/interface.pyc in __call__(self, x, name)
    198         if isinstance(x, basestring):
--> 199             return cls(self, x, name=name)
    200         try:
    201             return self._coerce_from_special_method(x)

/usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/interface.pyc in __init__(self, parent, value, is_name, name)
    624                 self._name = parent._create(value, name=name)
    625             except (TypeError, RuntimeError, ValueError) as x:
--> 626                 raise TypeError(x)
    628     def _latex_(self):

TypeError: ECL says: Error executing code in Maxima:

Update: I would like to add that the latest version of sage 6.7 still has this problem. Any updates?