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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Solving systems of equations always returns [ ]

Suppose I have the set of equations and I'm trying to solve for f1, f2 and f3:


I've tried solving it in the following way

eq1 = f1 == a + b + f2
eq2 = 2*f2 == c + d + f1
eq3 = f3 == f1 + f2

This is easy to solve using matrices, and I have double-checked that the answer is fully constrained, so why does sage always return [ ]? I would have expected answers for f1, f2 and f3 in terms of a, b , c and d. Is there another argument to solve() that tells Sage what I want my answer in terms of?

I would prefer to use solve() instead of matrices both for the sake of convenience and if I have a nonlinear system later on.

click to hide/show revision 2

Solving systems of equations always returns [ ]

Suppose I have the set of equations and I'm trying to solve for f1, f2 and f3:


I've tried solving it in the following way

eq1 = f1 == a + b + f2
eq2 = 2*f2 == c + d + f1
eq3 = f3 == f1 + f2

This is easy to solve using matrices, and I have double-checked that the answer is fully constrained, so why does sage always return [ ]? I would have expected answers for f1, f2 and f3 in terms of a, b , c and d. Is there another argument to solve() that tells Sage what I want my answer in terms of?

I would prefer to use solve() instead of matrices both for the sake of convenience and if I have a nonlinear system later on.