i know from another question, that
sage: x = var('x')
sage: y = 2 * x + Ei(x)
sage: import sympy
sage: sympy.sympify(y)
2*x + Ei(x)
sage: type(_)
<class 'sympy.core.add.Add'>
sage: x = var('x')
sage: y = 2 * x + Ei(x)
sage: y._sympy_()
2*x + Ei(x)
works. But how can i convert a equation named for example d to sympy.
var('r h s phi theta d')
def f(r,h,s,phi,theta): return norm(f_v(r=r,h=h,s=s,phi=phi,theta=theta))
import sympy
i also tried to do
from sympy import sympify
from sympy.solvers import solve
but than he is telling me
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
NotImplementedError: SymPy function 'abs' doesn't exist
thank you a lot
Thank you guys. I can´t find a Sage 6.4 Beta3 Version vor VM. I downloaded
this .
Is it somehow possible, to use this folder to run in through a VM. I have no experience with that and as far as i know until yet do i need a *.ova file.
I now tried in sage 6.3
d = abs(f_v.subs(phi=-phi))-abs(f_v.subs(phi=0))
from sympy import sympify
from sympy.solvers import solve
solve it for theta works now, wich is a big step forward, thank you for that! But for any other variable for example r is the result:
for d it is : [0]
should there just come the equation for d?
Does this mean, that sage can´t solve this equation or, that i still do something wrong?