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create matrix as having a subset of columns from another matrix

I need to get a new matrix generated by selecting a subset of columns from another matrix, given a list (or tuple) of column indices.

The following is the code I am working on (there is a bit more than just the attempt to create a new matrix, but might be interesting for you to have some context).

A = matrix(QQ,[
print "A\n",A
print "A rref\n",A.rref()
p = A.pivots()
print "A pivots",p

with the following output:

[ 2  1  4 -1  2]
[ 1 -1  5  1  1]
[-1  2 -7  0  1]
[ 2 -1  8 -1  2]
A rref
[ 1  0  3  0  0]
[ 0  1 -2  0  0]
[ 0  0  0  1  0]
[ 0  0  0  0  1]
A pivots (0, 1, 3, 4)

Now I expected to find easily a method from matrix objects which allowed to construct a new matrix with a subset of columns by just giving the tuple p as parameter, but could not find anything like that.

Any ideas on how to solve this elegantly in a sage-friendly way? (avoiding for loops and excess code)
