Dear Sage people,
I want to create a new (mathematical) object that sometimes is an Expression and sometimes a SymbolicFunction, depending on the arguments. You can think of this for example like $f(a, b, t) = \int_0^t a^b e^{-x^2} dx$. For special values of $t$ I would like to see it as an Expression ($t=0$ or $t=\infty$), but in all other cases I want it to be a BuiltinFunction (or something alike).
In Sage I can do something like:
class MyObjectExpression(Expression):
def __init__(self, a, b, t):
Expression.__init__(self, integral(a**b*e**(-x**2), x, 0, t))
# More (override) stuff below
class MyObjectFunction(BuiltinFunction):
def __init__(self, a, b, t):
BuiltinFunction.__init__(self, 'f(a,b,t)', nargs=1)
# More (override) stuff below
def MyObject(a, b, t):
if t == 0 or t == infty:
return MyObjectExpression(a, b, t)
return MyObjectFunction(a, b, t)
Is it possible to combine these three things into one class? So I want to create a class which is sometimes an Expression and sometimes an much more abstract class, is this possible?
Best, Noud