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How to input data in SAGE and deal with them

I wish to calculate the width of the certain polytopes, the data for these polytopes can be found here.

For example, the first one is

3 4 M:5 4 N:35 4 Pic:19 Cor:0

1    0    0   -1
0    1    0   -1
0    0    1   -1

However, only the number in the matrix will be used in the calculation. My questions are:

(1) How to input these data in SAGE (I use a windows system, and run Virtualbox for SAGE)?

(2) How to use sage to deal with each matrix?

For each of matrix, I have a program as the follows

sage: m = matrix(ZZ, [[1,0,0,-1], [0,1,0,-1], [0,0,1,-1]])

sage: p = LatticePolytope(m)

sage: d = p.distances()

sage: l = p.nfacets()

sage: for i in range(l):


After input the data, how to let sage use the same program deal with each matrix?

Thank you very much for your help!!!

How to input data in SAGE and deal with them

I wish to calculate the width of the certain polytopes, the data for these polytopes can be found here. (please click "K3/3d" on the left, and then click "list of all 4319" on the top of new page, for some reason, I could not cite the exact URL).

For example, the first one is

3 4 M:5 4 N:35 4 Pic:19 Cor:0

1    0    0   -1
0    1    0   -1
0    0    1   -1

However, only the number in the matrix will be used in the calculation. My questions are:

(1) How to input these data in SAGE (I use a windows system, and run Virtualbox for SAGE)?

(2) How to use sage to deal with each matrix?

For each of matrix, I have a program as the follows

sage: m = matrix(ZZ, [[1,0,0,-1], [0,1,0,-1], [0,0,1,-1]])

sage: p = LatticePolytope(m)

sage: d = p.distances()

sage: l = p.nfacets()

sage: for i in range(l):


After input the data, how to let sage use the same program deal with each matrix?

Thank you very much for your help!!!

How to input data in SAGE and deal with them

I wish to calculate the width of the certain polytopes, the data for these polytopes can be found here (please click "K3/3d" on the left, and then click "list of all 4319" on the top of new page, for some reason, I could not cite the exact URL).

For example, the first one is

3 4 M:5 4 N:35 4 Pic:19 Cor:0

1    0    0   -1
0    1    0   -1
0    0    1   -1

However, only the number in the matrix will be used in the calculation. My questions are:

(1) How to input these data in SAGE (I use a windows system, and run Virtualbox for SAGE)?

(2) How to use sage to deal with each matrix?

For each of matrix, I have a program as the follows

sage: m = matrix(ZZ, [[1,0,0,-1],
 ....:        [0,1,0,-1],

....: [0,0,1,-1]]) sage: p = LatticePolytope(m)

LatticePolytope(m) sage: d = p.distances()

p.distances() sage: l = p.nfacets()

p.nfacets() sage: for i in range(l):

....:     max(d.row(i))

After input the data, how to let sage use the same program deal with each matrix?

Thank you very much for your help!!!