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Outputing lists without brackets in SageTeX


how can I output a list in SageTeX without it being enclosed in brackets? Consider for example:

A = [ 1, 2, 4 ]

and in the text

... $A = \{ \sage{A} \}$

produces $A = \{ \left[1, 2, 4\right] \}$ instead of $\{ 1,2,4 \}$. Or a more realistic example:

R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x,y', order='lex')
I = R.ideal(x^2+1, y*x-y)

and know somewhere in the text I want to put

The Groebner basis of $I$ is $\{ \sage{I.groebner_basis()} \}$

but the result is: $\{ \left[x^{2} + 1, y\right] \}$ rather then expected $\{ x^{2} + 1, y \}$