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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

'list indices must be integers, not tuple' error in newbie script

Hi expers!!

Im a new user of SAGE. Right now im writing a script that plot 'N' random lines of lenght=1 in a rectangle of b*h center in axes. The code is shhow below:

N=float(raw_input('Número de rectas aleatóreos (N)?:\n')) b=float(raw_input('Base del rectángulo (b>1)?:\n')) h=float(raw_input('Altura del cuadrado (h>1)?:\n'))

uniforme_x=RealDistribution('uniform',[-b/2,b/2]) uniforme_y=RealDistribution('uniform',[-h/2,h/2])

lista_x=[uniforme_x.get_random_element() for j in srange(N)] lista_y=[uniforme_y.get_random_element() for j in srange(N)]

lista_xy = zip(lista_x , lista_y)



for j in lista_xy: x1 = lista_xy[j][0] y1 = lista_xy[j][1] while d2>11: x2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element() y2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element() d2=(x1-x2)(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2) lineas.append(line([lista_xy[j],(x2,y2)]))


When i execute this code I get the error messege 'list indices must be integers, not tuple'.

Whats the problem?

Waiting for your answers.

Thanks a lot!

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

'list indices must be integers, not tuple' error in newbie script

Hi expers!!

Im a new user of SAGE. Right now im writing a script that plot 'N' random lines of lenght=1 in a rectangle of b*h center in axes. The code is shhow below:

N=float(raw_input('Número de rectas aleatóreos (N)?:\n'))
b=float(raw_input('Base del rectángulo (b>1)?:\n'))
h=float(raw_input('Altura del cuadrado (h>1)?:\n'))

(h>1)?:\n')) uniforme_x=RealDistribution('uniform',[-b/2,b/2]) uniforme_y=RealDistribution('uniform',[-h/2,h/2])

uniforme_y=RealDistribution('uniform',[-h/2,h/2]) lista_x=[uniforme_x.get_random_element() for j in srange(N)] lista_y=[uniforme_y.get_random_element() for j in srange(N)]

srange(N)] lista_xy = zip(lista_x , lista_y)



lista_y) lineas=[] d2=1*1*2 for j in lista_xy: x1 = lista_xy[j][0] y1 = lista_xy[j][1] while d2>11: d2>1*1: x2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element() y2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element() d2=(x1-x2)(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2) lineas.append(line([lista_xy[j],(x2,y2)]))


d2=(x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2) lineas.append(line([lista_xy[j],(x2,y2)])) grafico=sum(lineas)

When i execute this code I get the error messege 'list indices must be integers, not tuple'.

Whats the problem?

Waiting for your answers.

Thanks a lot!

click to hide/show revision 3

'list indices must be integers, not tuple' error in newbie script

Hi expers!!

Im a new user of SAGE. Right now im writing a script that plot 'N' random lines of lenght=1 in a rectangle of b*h center in axes. The code is shhow below:

N=float(raw_input('Número de rectas aleatóreos (N)?:\n'))
b=float(raw_input('Base del rectángulo (b>1)?:\n'))
h=float(raw_input('Altura del cuadrado (h>1)?:\n'))


lista_x=[uniforme_x.get_random_element() for j in srange(N)]
lista_y=[uniforme_y.get_random_element() for j in srange(N)]

lista_xy = zip(lista_x , lista_y)



for j in lista_xy:
    x1 = lista_xy[j][0]
    y1 = lista_xy[j][1]
    while d2>1*1:
        x2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element()
        y2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element()


When i execute this code I get the error messege 'list indices must be integers, not tuple'.

Whats the problem?

Waiting for your answers.

Thanks a lot!