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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

asked 11 years ago

rickhg12hs gravatar image

MathJax Font Sizes and Spacing/Positioning in Notebook

I'd like to control the Latex fontsize in the notebook. In the first cell, I placed:

<style>.MathJax {font-size: 200%;}</style>

... and in later cells' view() the individual characters/symbols increase in size but the positioning/spacing gets all spread out and ugly.

What's the right/easy way to increase the latex fontsize in Sage's notebook and still have it look good?

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

MathJax Font Sizes and Spacing/Positioning in Notebook

I'd like to control the Latex fontsize in the notebook. In the first cell, I placed:

<style>.MathJax {font-size: 200%;}</style>

... and in later cells' view() output the individual characters/symbols increase in size but the positioning/spacing gets all spread out and ugly.

What's the right/easy way to increase the latex fontsize in Sage's notebook and still have it look good?

click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

MathJax Font Sizes and Spacing/Positioning in Notebook

I'd like to control the Latex fontsize in the notebook. In the first cell, I placed:

<style>.MathJax {font-size: 200%;}</style>

... and in later cells' view() output outputs the individual characters/symbols increase in size but the positioning/spacing gets all spread out and ugly.

What's the right/easy way to increase the latex fontsize in Sage's notebook and still have it look good?