Strange problem with double integrals
I need to calculate a double of integral a large expression numerically. But, I found a strange error. The code:
def doubleIntegral():
def f2(theta):
def f1(phi):
return theta*phi/pi
return numerical_integral(f1,0,2*pi)[0]
return numerical_integral(f2,0,pi)
works. but
a = theta*phi/pi # Suppose this is a huge expression that came out of previous calculations
def doubleIntegral():
def f2(theta):
def f1(phi):
return a
return numerical_integral(f1,0,2*pi)[0]
return numerical_integral(f2,0,pi)
doesn't work
unable to simplify to float approximation
unable to simplify to float approximation
What is going on? And how can I fix this?
Try doing an internet search for using lambda functions for this. might be helpful along these lines...
my function doubleIntegral does the same thing as what that nestled numerical_integral with lambda functions (from that question) does. It has the exact same problem. Trying the internet search...