what happened to square_root() for rationals?
I have some old code that takes the square_root() of rational numbers. This function seems to be long gone. How do I replace its functionality?
I have some old code that takes the square_root() of rational numbers. This function seems to be long gone. How do I replace its functionality?
No I am sure they are different in their behavior.
Or are you thinking of `sqrt_approx` - deprecated since http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/4611 ?
I found online an old (ver 1.4.1) sage manual that says that square_root() for rationals: "Return the positive rational square root of self, or raises a ValueError if self is not a perfect square."
So with this information is easy enough to code up a simple function to replace it.
I do wonder why it went away and or if it has been renamed or replaced somehow.
In this case, maybe `x.sqrt(extend=False)` would do the job.
Wow, 1.4.1 - that is REALLY old. This functionality has probably been gone for quite a few years, long before any deprecation policy. I think that fidelbc should update his answer with that so you can accept it.
Asked: 12 years ago
Seen: 309 times
Last updated: Feb 13 '13