Does sage have analog of magma function IsIsomorphic?
Does Sage have analog of magma function IsIsomorphic for curves
IsIsomorphic(C, D) : Crv, Crv -> BoolElt,MapSch
Given irreducible curves C and D this function returns true is C and D are isomorphic over their common base field. If so, it also returns a scheme map giving an isomorphism between them. The curves C and D must be reduced. Currently the function requires that the curves are not both genus 0 nor both genus 1 unless the base field is finite.
or IsIsomorphic for hyperelliptic curves?
IsIsomorphic(C1, C2) : CrvHyp, CrvHyp -> BoolElt, MapIsoSch
SetVerbose("CrvHypIso", n): Maximum: 3
This function returns true if and only if the hyperelliptic curves C1 and C2 are isomorphic over their common base field. If the curves are isomorphic, an isomorphism is returned.