What's the syntax error in this code?
Hello I'm writing a program which outputs ,according to the user's choice, either Lissagous curve or beat.
Here's a code and I can't find my error because Sage on Android doesn't show where error is.
print "Choose 1 for Lissajous curve and 2 for beat"
def choise(v =(1..2)):
if v==1:
def lissa(delta = ContiniousSlider(interval=(-pi,pi)),a = (1..10),b = (1,10)):
p = parametric_plot(cos(a*t+delta),cos(b*t),(t,0,5*pi))
def beat(a = ContiniousSlider(interval = (0,5)), omega = ContiniousSlider(interval = (0,5)),percent = ContiniousSlider(interval = (0,0.1))):
domega = percent*omega;
p = parametric_plot(2*a*cos(domega/2*t)*cos(omega*t),2*a*cos(domega/2*t),(t,0,5*pi))