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How to recursively substitute from global name space?

asked 12 years ago

stan gravatar image

In sage 3.x, I used the below function to automatically substitute into an expression all assignments I have made previously. How can I get it to work in Sage 5.x or is there a better way now?

def subsg(variable, *args):
    Substitutes all definitions in the global name space for the variables contained in 'variable' and returns the result.
        variable -- a symbolic variable
        *args -- an optional dictionary containing additional parameter definitions
        sage: var ('a b c d')
        a b c
        sage: f = a*x
        sage: a = 2*b
        sage: b = c^2
        sage: cons1 = dict(c = d^3)
        sage: subsg(f,cons1)
    Or, if cons1 is not to be used:
        sage: subsg(f)

    expr1 = variable
    expr2 = variable.subs(globals()).subs(*args)
    while expr1 <> expr2:
        expr1 = expr2
        expr2 = expr1.subs(globals()).subs(*args)
    return expr1
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I've been trying to find the same thing -- so far all I could find was this question, and the same question you asked on google groups in 2008.

adamhg gravatar imageadamhg ( 12 years ago )

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answered 11 years ago

David Bailey gravatar image

updated 11 years ago

Here is a new version of your "subsg" function, with modifications partly inspired by the "update" function from a related question. This seems to work in Sage 5.9 for your examples and in other cases that I have tried so far:

def subsg(expression, *args):
Substitutes all definitions in the global name space for the variables contained in 'expression' and returns the result.
    expression -- a symbolic expression
    *args -- an optional dictionary containing additional parameter definitions
    sage: var ('a b c d')
    a b c
    sage: f = a*x
    sage: a = 2*b
    sage: b = c^2
    sage: cons1 = dict(c = d^3)
    sage: subsg(f,cons1)
Or, if cons1 is not to be used:
    sage: subsg(f)

variables = globals().update(*args)
expr1 = expression
try :
    expr2 = expr1.subs(dict(zip(expr1.variables(), map(lambda v:eval(str(v)), expr1.variables()))))
    # Return original expression unchanged if there is an error
    return expr1
while expr1 <> expr2:
    expr1 = expr2
    expr2 = expr1.subs(dict(zip(expr1.variables(), map(lambda v:eval(str(v)), expr1.variables()))))
return expr1
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Brilliant, thank you!

stan gravatar imagestan ( 11 years ago )

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Asked: 12 years ago

Seen: 491 times

Last updated: Jun 01 '13