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minimize_constrained for a one dimensional function

asked 12 years ago

Mathmon gravatar image

Hello all,

I have a bit of a problem with the minimize_constrained function: When I call

minimize_constrained(lambda x: x^2, [lambda x: 1], 99.6)

I get a TypeError: iteration over a 0-d array (why?). If I call

minimize_constrained(lambda x: x^2, \
    [lambda x: vector({0:1,1:x}).inner_product(vector((0,0)))], 99.6)

I get a TypeError: unable to find a common ring for all elements. This seems to be the case because the the constraint function is sometimes called with a numpy.ndarray and at other times with a sage.modules.vector_real_double_dense.Vector_real_double_dense. In the first case I need to call float(x[0]), in the latter I can use x[0] directly.

Is it be possible to convert the data to sage vectors throughout the iterations or do I have to set up a handler to sanitize the input myself?

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answered 7 years ago

mforets gravatar image

updated 7 years ago

The function (func argument) passed to minimize_constrained can be either a symbolic function,

sage: x = var('x')
sage: minimize_constrained(x^2, [None], [99.6])

or a Python function whose argument is a tuple,

sage: minimize_constrained(lambda x: x[0]^2, [None], [99.6])

The type error in the OP is avoided passing the initial point as a list.

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Asked: 12 years ago

Seen: 405 times

Last updated: May 27 '17