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Solid lines in plot and grid lines

asked 12 years ago

gjm gravatar image

updated 12 years ago

benjaminfjones gravatar image

I have a plot which sweeps over a range shown below and the plots it on a log scale on the horizontal axis (I am using 5.2 so the log scale feature is present).

  1. However, rather than points, I would like to see a solid line and,
  2. Some grid lines on both the horizontal and vertical axis at the tick points.
  3. Is there also a way to control the range on the vertical axis?

Here is the entire formulation. The range on the y-axis I would like to see labeled is from -5 to -25. I asked a question before using the formulation below but the scale did not was off due to the wrong operator being used so I did not ask that particular question at the time:

z1=2 * pi * 650 * 10^6

p1=2 * pi * 1.9 * 10^9

p2=2 * pi * 5 * 10^9


deltaF=.2 * 10^9

N=(adc * p1 * p2)/z1

M(freq)=(-2 * i * pi * freq + z1)/((-2 * i * pi * freq+p1) * (-2 * i * pi * freq+p2))

g(frq)=20 * abs(log(N * M(frq),10))

pts=[(frq,g(frq).n()) for frq in srange(10^8,10^11,deltaF)]

list_plot(pts, scale='semilogx')
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answered 12 years ago

achrzesz gravatar image
list_plot(pts, scale='semilogx',plotjoined=True,ymin=2,ymax=20,gridlines=[[10^9,10^10],[5,10,15]])
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Asked: 12 years ago

Seen: 1,326 times

Last updated: Aug 16 '12