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Plotting with logarithmic scaling for the 'x' axis?

asked 12 years ago

anonymous user


Hey! Would appreciate very much a bit of help:

I have an Array of data of Positions Vs. Time intervals, where Time goes from 0 to 10000, and every slot on the array represents a time interval of 100. The question is - is there any way to plot the data in the array using, but with a logarithmic scaled 'x' axis ? Meaning - labels running as - 10^(-4), 10^(-3), ..., 10^5?

Thank you!

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2 Answers

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answered 12 years ago

calc314 gravatar image

updated 12 years ago

There is a ticket for such a thing at From the notes there, it is not quite ready.

You can see the answer to a similar question at log-log plots.

Matplotlib has a LogFormatter that you also might be able to use, but I haven't got it working at the moment. It does not appear that using the tick_formatter in show will let you call this LogFormatter, but I might be missing something here.

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Actually, has positive review! Hopefully it will still apply on Sage 5.1. You are right that you have to be a little carefully about the formatters - see the patches at that ticket for more info.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 12 years ago )

answered 12 years ago

v_2e gravatar image

updated 12 years ago

Since Sage 5.2 it's as simple as

list_plot(data_array, scale='semilogx') # Logarithmic scale for X-axis
list_plot(data_array, scale='semilogy') # Logarithmic scale for Y-axis
list_plot(data_array, scale='loglog') # Logarithmic scale for both axes
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Asked: 12 years ago

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Last updated: Aug 04 '12