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Given a direction vector and a point, how to draw a 3d line?

asked 12 years ago

dnizetic gravatar image

updated 10 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

I have a point

(-e^pi, 0, e^pi)

and a direction vector

tvec = vector((e^t * cos(t) - e^t * sin(t), e^t * sin(t) + e^t * cos(t), e^t))

How would I draw a 3d line based upon these 2 arguments?

I looked over at the documentation but I couldnt find it.

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answered 12 years ago

calc314 gravatar image

You can introduce a new parameter s that will parametrize the line. With p=(-e^pi,0,e^pi), the line is then p+s*tvec(t=t0) for some fixed value t0 of the parameter t.

Then, the line can be drawn as follows.

tvec = vector((e^t * cos(t) - e^t * sin(t), e^t * sin(t) + e^t * cos(t), e^t))
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Asked: 12 years ago

Seen: 1,177 times

Last updated: May 26 '12