Here is a partial answer, regarding only the computational part of the answer, we get explicitly the representation of Θ6(q) in terms of the sage basis f1,f2 of the space M=M3( Γ1(4)). The space has dimension two, as in the print of M or as M.dimension()
shows. We check that the first some 10 000 coefficients correspond in the obvious linear combination of f1 and f2, after we compute the q-expansion of Θ6.
sage: M3 = ModularForms( Gamma1(4), 3 )
sage: M3
Modular Forms space of dimension 2 for Congruence Subgroup Gamma1(4) of weight 3 over Rational Field
sage: f1, f2 = M3.basis()
sage: f1.qexp( 10 )
1 + 12*q^2 + 64*q^3 + 60*q^4 + 160*q^6 + 384*q^7 + 252*q^8 + O(q^10)
sage: f2.qexp( 10 )
q + 4*q^2 + 8*q^3 + 16*q^4 + 26*q^5 + 32*q^6 + 48*q^7 + 64*q^8 + 73*q^9 + O(q^10)
sage: theta_qexp( 10 )^6
1 + 12*q + 60*q^2 + 160*q^3 + 252*q^4 + 312*q^5 + 544*q^6 + 960*q^7 + 1020*q^8 + 876*q^9 + O(q^10)
sage: ( f1 + 12*f2 ).qexp(10000) - theta_qexp(10000)^6
In a similar "simpler" manner we can check for the coincidence of the appropriate q-expansions in the space M1( Γ1(4) ):
sage: M1 = ModularForms( Gamma1(4), 1 )
sage: M1
Modular Forms space of dimension 1 for Congruence Subgroup Gamma1(4) of weight 1 over Rational Field
sage: f, = M1.basis()
sage: f.qexp(10000) - theta_qexp(10000)^2
As the author of the book (with the exercise, Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms and Their L-functions) also mentions in the above cited link
this does not gives a proof of Θ2∈M1( Γ1(4) )=M(1,χ), χ being given by χ(d)=(−1)(d−1)/2, GTM 97, Koblitz, N. - Introduction to elliptic curves and modular forms, Proposition 30, III.§3.
However, we can use sage to support the proof as follows. Let us introduce S, and T…
sage: G01 = Gamma0(1)
sage: G01.gens()
[ 0 -1] [1 1]
[ 1 0], [0 1]
sage: S, T = G01.gens()
Then $T$, $S T^4 S$, and $-I$ generate $\Gamma_0(4)$, although we get an other preference...
sage: G04 = Gamma0(4)
sage: G04.gens()
[1 1] [ 3 -1] [-1 0]
[0 1], [ 4 -1], [ 0 -1]
Then we have immediately the invariance of Θ w.r.t. T and −1, need to consider only
sage: S * T^4 * S
[-1 0]
[ 4 -1]
sage: J, C = ( S * T^4 * S ).matrix().jordan_form( transformation=True )
sage: J, C # C is the base *C*hange matrix
[-1 1] [0 1]
[ 0 -1], [4 0]
sage: C * (-T.matrix()^(-1)) * C^(-1)
[-1 0]
[ 4 -1]
sage: # J is -T^(-1)
This is the starting point for the computation:
Θ|1 (ST4S)=Θ |1 C(−T)C−1=Θ |1 C |1 (−T) |1 C−1 ,
Θ is invariated by
C, we need for this the transformation formula for
θ(−1/t), which transfers to a transformation formula for
Θ(z)=θ(−2iz). (The inverse of
C is a scalar times
It remains to see that Θ is holomorphic in the cusps
sage: G04.cusps()
[0, 1/2, Infinity]
and we have no problems in τ=∞, which corresponds to q=0, then C exchange 0 and ∞, and for 1/2 (and for me) the expansion of θ01 is a good start. A related link (for θ instead of Θ):
Just as a note to any finding this - the author of the book answered regarding the content of the book piece at