solve and calculate
How can I solave an equation like x+z^2=1 and then calculate x with z=3 from the solution?
How can I solave an equation like x+z^2=1 and then calculate x with z=3 from the solution?
A variation on the Shashank'answer :
sage: z=var('z')
sage: f(z)=solve(x+z^2==1,x)[0].rhs()
sage: f
z |--> -z^2 + 1
sage: f.diff(z)
z |--> -2*z
sage: f.plot()
Here you consider the function "solution of the equation as function of z", and you do whatever with it.
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Asked: 2012-01-26 19:21:21 +0100
Seen: 1,006 times
Last updated: Jan 27 '12
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