solving system of equations
I'm trying to solve a system of equations, but somehow Sage does not solve for it. I have solved similar systems of equations before using the same methods, but somehow it is not working this time around. What is causing Sage to not solve this?
h=solve([r==B*(a*(y/k)+1-d), y==c+k*(r-1+d), (1-a)*(y/N)==((1-theta)/theta)*(c/(1-N)), y==A*k^a*N^(1-a)],y,c,N,k)
I also have a system that Sage cranks and cranks on but never returns an answer: var('r,s,m,n,l,A,B,C,D,E,F') solve([2*m - 2*r==2*A*m*l + B*n*l + D*l, 2*n-2*s==B*m*l + 2*C*l*n + E*l, A*m + B*m*n + C*n^2 + D*m + E*n + F == 0], m, n, l) Any thoughts as to why this happens?