latex.table() function?
Can Sage construct latex code of table? Something like html.table, but with tex-output instead of html-output.
Can Sage construct latex code of table? Something like html.table, but with tex-output instead of html-output.
Well... I could not wait for response, so I wrote a simple implementation:
def latex_table(content, caption, label, header_rows = 1, header_columns = 0, position = 'htb'):
code = """\\begin{table}[%s]
\\caption{\\label{tab:%s} %s}
""" % (position, label, caption)
code += '\\begin{tabular}{|%s|} \\hline\n' % '|'.join('c' for i in range(len(content[0])))
bold_format = '\\textbf{%s}'
for line_no, line in enumerate(content):
row_format_string = bold_format if line_no < header_rows else '%s'
code += ' ' + ' & '.join([(bold_format if column_no < header_columns else row_format_string ) % i for column_no,i in enumerate(line)]) + ' \\\\ \\hline \n'
code += ' \\end{tabular}\n\end{table}\n'
return code
This code generates something similar to html.table output for latex. I'll be happy to know someone already wrote a better implementation.
Note that now Sage has a table
object which can be printed as LaTeX. As per the example in the documentation:
sage: rows = [['a', 'b', 'c'], [100,2,3], [4,5,60]]
sage: table(rows)
a b c
100 2 3
4 5 60
sage: latex(table(rows))
a & b & c
$100$ & $2$ & $3$
$4$ & $5$ & $60$
If you can put it in a matrix m, then latex(m)
will give roughly a latex table.
sage: var('x,y,z')
(x, y, z)
sage: latex(matrix([[x*y,x+y,z],[z+y,x-y,x*y*z]]))
x y & x + y & z \\
y + z & x - y & x y z
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Asked: 2011-12-31 10:40:09 +0100
Seen: 1,570 times
Last updated: Oct 06 '13
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