Sage vs pure python
What is the difference (besides the minimal syntax diff.) between using Sage against using pure Python? Why should one choose Sage?
What is the difference (besides the minimal syntax diff.) between using Sage against using pure Python? Why should one choose Sage?
The thousands of lines of math-specific code ?
none of this belongs to Python.
Sage also has pretty robust interfaces to a wide variety of very discipline-specific outside packages, as well as uses them (to varying degrees) "natively" in its Pythonesque syntax. See the list of standard packages. Much of this would be very difficult to use in Python otherwise.
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Asked: 2011-12-13 07:09:11 +0100
Seen: 5,055 times
Last updated: Dec 13 '11
Will upgrading to Python 3.x on my system break Sage?
Using Sage in a Python CGI script
from sage.all import * results in "cannot open shared object file" error
Using Psycopg2 and other libraries in sage
Python thing that doesn't work in Sage, works in pure Python