development of a framework for numeral systems

asked 2011-11-19 13:22:37 +0200

Daniel Krenn gravatar image

I plan do build a framework for numeral systems. Below you find some thoughts written down. A draft of the possible class hierachy can also be found there. If you have any comments on those things or anything that should be also included in that framework, then don't hesidate to post them.


Numeral Systems in Sage



  • representation of elements as digital expansions
  • support of infinite expansions, multi-expansions (one position can have more digits)
  • (fast) arithmetic of expansions (+, -, *, /, **)
  • action of expansion on something (e.g. act on points of elliptic curve and e.g. performed a by a Horner scheme)
  • support of languages on the expansion (e.g. w-NAF (non-adjacent form))
  • different algorithms to calculate expansions (e.g. w-NAF (non- adjacent form))
  • test for optimality of language
  • calculation of sequences in conjunction with dynamical system together with the calculation of the expansions (cf. shift radix systems)
  • support of continued fractions (some algorithms already exist for that and maxima supports continued fractions)
  • support of joint expansions (digits are tuples)
  • numeral systems often have connections to transducer; keep that in mind during the design process

Class Hierachy

Examples (of classes) of numeral systems are written with [].

 +-- PositionalNumeralSystem
 |    +-- IntegerTupleIndexNumeralSystem
 |         +-- IntegerIndexNumeralSystem
 |         |    +-- AbstractNumeralSystem
 |         |    |    +-- BaseNumeralSystem
 |         |    |         +-- AlgebraicBaseNumeralSystem
 |         |    |              +-- ImaginaryQuadraticBaseNumeralSystem
 |         |    |              |    +-- [QuaterImaginary]
 |         |    |              |    +--
 |         |    |              +-- RealBaseNumeralSystem
 |         |    |                   +-- IntegerBaseNumeralSystem
 |         |    |                   |    +--
 |         |    |                   |    |    +-- [Binary]
 |         |    |                   |    |    +-- [Decimal]
 |         |    |                   |    |    +-- [BalancedTernary]
 |         |    |                   |    |    +-- [Babylonian]
 |         |    |                   |    +--
 |         |    |                   +-- [GoldenRatioBase]
 |         |    +-- MixedRadixNumeralSystem
 |         |    |    +-- RecurrenceNumeralSystem
 |         |    |    |    +-- [FibonacciBase]
 |         |    |    +-- [Money]
 |         |    |    +-- [FactorialNumeralSystem]
 |         |    |    +-- [DateTime]
 |         |    +-- [FactorNumeralSystem]
 |         +-- [IntegerDoubleBases]
 +-- [RomanNumeralSystem]
 +-- [UnaryNumeralSystem]

Some Notes on the classes


  • base class for everything (abstract base class)
  • elements have +,-,*,/, but none is implemented (implementation in inherited class)


  • has function value_at_position(position, value) which gives value of singleton
  • operation to add singletons can be given (e.g. addition)
  • the positions can be everything (every hashable element of Sage)


  • positions are tuples (of fixed length) of integers


  • positions are integers, special case of IntegerTupleIndexNumeralSystem


  • function \phi from base i to base i+1


  • bases are fixed numbers b_0, b_1, b_2,...
  • digits and bases are multiplied


  • inherited from both AbstractNumeralSystem and MixedRadixNumeralSystem
  • bases are b^i


  • base b is a complex number (root of polynomial over ZZ)

ImaginaryQuadraticBaseNumeralSystem, RealBaseNumeralSystem, ...

  • special cases of AlgebraicBaseNumeralSystem


  • recurrence on bases, e.g. b_n=2*b_{n-1}+b_{n-2}
  • e.g. [FibonacciBase] # b_n = b_{n-1} + b_{n-2}


  • bases, e.g. for Euro, are 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500


  • bases 0!,1!,2!,... digits for position n! are 0...(n-1)


  • bases year, month, day, hour, minute, second
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See also [sage-devel](

Daniel Krenn gravatar imageDaniel Krenn ( 2011-11-19 13:25:07 +0200 )edit

I agree that sage-devel is probably a better forum for this conversation than Or the Sage wiki:

Jason Grout gravatar imageJason Grout ( 2011-11-19 14:08:40 +0200 )edit

The reason I put it here is the following: Here are maybe more people working in numeration than on sage-devel. Some comments of them would help...

Daniel Krenn gravatar imageDaniel Krenn ( 2011-11-19 15:49:43 +0200 )edit