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viewpoint on animation

asked 0 years ago

micron gravatar image

updated 0 years ago

eric_g gravatar image

Hi, I worked so hard to get this animation to work properly and I am stoked because I finally got everything together and animating but I can't see how to set the camera position or viewpoint that I want. Ideally it could be a parametrized continuous loop around but I want to first be able set even one constant viewpoint. I have captured the viewpoint that I want as ((0.215,0.3686,0.9044),124.36). I currently have an animate object called c and I can say, iterations=2) but show() doesn't recognize viewpoint as an option so how do I set it?

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answered 0 years ago

eric_g gravatar image

updated 31 hours ago

Instead of show, use interactive:

c.interactive(delay=10, iterations=2, viewpoint=((0.215, 0.3686, 0.9044), 124.36))

If you don't want to get the playback slider and buttons at the top of the view, you can add the option animation_controls=False:

c.interactive(delay=10, iterations=2, viewpoint=((0.215, 0.3686, 0.9044), 124.36),

The full list of options is here.

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@eric_g : the question of the choice of a viewpoint remains interesting for the generation of an independent video animation (e. g.for inclusion in an HTML page).

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 0 years ago )

Once you get the animated image via c.interactive(...), click on the circled i button at the bottom right and select "Save as HTML". Does this achieve what you have in mind?

eric_g gravatar imageeric_g ( 0 years ago )

Thank you @eric_g! I just wish it was more clear in the docs that this is an option. even the page you link doesn't show an example with this workflow so it's not clear how people would know to do this. Thanks again!!

micron gravatar imagemicron ( 28 hours ago )

Ok, I have some followup concerns. 1. the iterations value seems to be meaningless in interactive mode. I can say loop=False and it will play one single iteration or if I don't put that, it seems to just play incessantly. 2. just curious now if you or anyone could point me toward more info on making the viewpoint parametric or otherwise continuously changing over the course of the animation. Thank you for your time.

micron gravatar imagemicron ( 28 hours ago )

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