Error when computing torsion group
I am trying to run this code
t = var('t')
K.<a> = NumberField(20*t^4 + 40*t^3 + 28*t^2 + 8*t + 1)
EK = EllipticCurve(K,[0,-3/2,0,1/2,0])
However, Sage is throwing the following error:
y^2 = x^3 + 12*x^2 defines a singular curve
I am not exactly sure what the problem is since the original curve is a nonsingular curve. On the other hand, it appears that when I use K to be the full 5-division field, for example, there is no error. However, that field is much larger than what I want to consider.
Any ideas what's going wrong?
The error occurs at this linewhile computing bound. It looks like a bug that should be reported at
@Max Alekseyev, Thanks, I will report it.
Just for the record,
My sage version works: