What kinds of autolinking are supported by asksage?
Using certain syntax in questions/answers will generate links automatically. For future reference, here is that syntax.
Using certain syntax in questions/answers will generate links automatically. For future reference, here is that syntax.
The following are supported. Note that the Plaintext and Trac formats do not produce links in the real-time preview of your question/answer, while the other formats do.
Some further details can be found in an askbot post on this topic.
ticket 1234
"<a href="http://ask.sagemath.org">asksage</a>
"Note: after several tries, I can't figure out how to turn off the auto linking for the "you type" parts . . . I hope this is clear enough anyway!
Further detail: comments are not parsed with Markdown, so `markdown syntax` will not work, but url's like http://sagemath.org will still autolink
(But the syntax for trac ticket 1234 will not work)
Note about your note - sounds like a good question for http://askbot.org
Asked: 13 years ago
Seen: 414 times
Last updated: Jun 02 '11