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Compute variety in a finite field despite ideal dimension 1

asked 0 years ago

YesIsBetterThanCrimson gravatar image


My problem has to do asking Sage affine rational points of a variety on a finite field.

Essentially, I define an ideal of bivariate Fq-polynomials in Sage, and ask Sage for the variety associated to the ideal. I happen to know a list of elements in the variety, but Sage doesn't want to compute them, on the basis that the ideal has dimension 1, even though we're working on a finite field...

What would be the best way to make Sage compute these solutions? In full generality, I'm working with polynomials that are not restricted to two variables, so efficiency is important.

# Define a finite field and a bivariate polynomial ring on this field:
Fq.<z> = GF(2^4)
R.<x, y> = Fq[]

# Define a bunch of bivariate polynomials:
polynomials = [
        x^15 + (z^2 + z)*x^12*y + x^9*y^2 + (z^2 + z + 1)*x^3*y^4 + y^5,
        x^28*y + x^25*y^2 + x^19*y^4 + (z^2 + z + 1)*x^16*y^5 + x^7*y^8 + (z^2 + z + 1)*x*y^10,
        x^48*y^5 + x^36*y^9 + x^33*y^10 + x^12*y^17 + x^9*y^18 + x^3*y^20,
        x^64*y^21 + x^16*y^37 + x^4*y^41 + x*y^42

# Some known solutions to this system:
known_solutions = [
        (0          , 0),
        (1          , 1),
        (z^2 + z    , 1),
        (z^2 + z + 1, 1)

# Verify that these are indeed solutions:
for (a, b) in known_solutions:
    for polynomial in polynomials:
        if polynomial(a, b) != 0:
            raise ValueError('OP is lying')

# Now, let's try to see what SageMath has to say about solutions:
ideal = Ideal(polynomials)
# bruh
    variety = ideal.variety(Fq)
except ValueError:
    print('OP is crying')


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1 Answer

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answered 0 years ago

Max Alekseyev gravatar image

Dimension 1 tells us about the system having too many "degrees of freedom". Since we work in a finite field, it is easy to deal with it by fixing one of the variables, say, x:

variety = sum( (Ideal(polynomials+[x-x0]).variety() for x0 in Fq), [] )

which produces 16 solutions.

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Thanks for the answer and the issue! Although this does work here, if the field is large (e.g. with order 2128), this is not great. I have reasons to believe that my equations have in fact very few solutions.

YesIsBetterThanCrimson gravatar imageYesIsBetterThanCrimson ( 0 years ago )

Well, solving polynomial systems over finite fields is known to be hard. Otherwise people would not invent things like XSL attack. So, you may be out of luck with your system over the large finite field.

Said that, I have a custom implementation of variety function that might find some solutions for ideals of positive dimension. I can give it a try if you share your system.

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 0 years ago )

Thanks for the proposal! My systems come from very early stage research, so I don't feel comfortable sharing that right now... However, I can generate other examples, though.

YesIsBetterThanCrimson gravatar imageYesIsBetterThanCrimson ( 0 years ago )

Either way is fine with me.

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 0 years ago )

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Asked: 0 years ago

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Last updated: Feb 07