Plots not showing up for Sage+Python
I'm a newbie to SageMath and I tried running Sage through python on VSCode. I couldn't get the plots to show. The output shows Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
. I am able to save the graphs but the convenience of having the result printed as output is lost. I can make it work with Jupyter environment but I prefer the interface of VS Code. How do I get the plots to show?
I have posted this before but after moderation it was removed. Please, this is genuine concern of mine so kindly don't remove it.
If I recall correctly, there is usually some kind of "hook" for graphics objects (and certain other output) which the old Sage notebook, an IPython shell, and/or Jupyter or other interfaces (emacs?) would look for in such cases. Presumably there isn't such a hook in VS Code. Unfortunately I'm not an expert on that, but it might lead you in a direction you could implement. I think this might lead you in a good direction (others will correct me): backend base documentation