Regarding : Removing certain entries from a list of combinations [closed]
Please see my question at
Just now noticed that the two codes are not giving complete list. If we run, for example , the second code, for(say), n=6 and m=4, then we get the output as [[0, 1, 2, 5], [0, 1, 3, 5]]. It should also include [0,1,3,4].
Please raise concern in that question. No need to create a new one.
There was an oversight with respect to periodic words, now the code is corrected.
Thanks a lot again Sir. I thought that since it has been more than three weeks and you or any other would not likely visit that page again, so I posted a new one referring to that one. Sir, let me know if there is a way to raise concern pertaining to an older question , so that there is some kind of notification for all to see.
If you post a comment on the old question, then by default, anyone who has participated will get a notification.
Thanks a lot Sir John. I was not aware of that.