error in factor
Hi, I have a problem with the factor() function: Consider the following code:
%display latex
j_00 = 1/2*(a^2 + eta)*(a^2 + zeta)/((a^2 - b^2)*(a^2 - c^2)*sqrt((a^2 + eta)*(a^2 + xi)*(a^2 + zeta)/((a^2 - b^2)*(a^2 - c^2))))
j_00_simplified = j_00.canonicalize_radical().factor())
As a result, I get:
1/2*sqrt(a^2 + eta)*sqrt(a^2 + zeta)/(sqrt(a^2 + xi)*sqrt(a + b)*sqrt(a + c)*sqrt(-a + b)*sqrt(-a + c))
The result is false! It should be:
1/2*sqrt(a^2 + eta)*sqrt(a^2 + zeta)/(sqrt(a^2 + xi)*sqrt(b^2-a^2)*sqrt(a^2 - c^2))
The term -a+c
is wrong, it should be c-a
I think this is an error, or is there anything I don't see?
If it is an error, what can I do that factor() returns the expected result?
Thank's in adcance,
Edited for legibility.
When you need to insert a block of code, indent it by four spaces (or select it an hit
) (or use the101010
button). Inline code can be surrounded by backticks (`).[ Edited as an answer. Sorry for the noise... ].
What's the difference between
? Maybe I'm misunderstanding.