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Maxima crashes on relatively simple integral

asked 2011-03-26 19:39:04 +0200

Barry Carter gravatar image

I'm trying to Maxima-fy my Mathematica box options formula ( but Maxima crashes on a fairly simple integration:

pdflp(x, p0, v, p1, p2, t1, t2) := pdf_normal(x,log(p0),sqrt(t1)*v); 
cdfmaxlp(x, p0, v, p1, p2, t1, t2) := 1-erf(x/(v*sqrt(t2-t1)/sqrt(2))); 

upandin(p0, v, p1, p2, t1, t2) :=  
 pdflp(x, p0, v, p1, p2, t1, t2)* 
 cdfmaxlp(log(p1)-x, p0, v, p1, p2, t1, t2) 
 x, minf, log(p1));

Evaluating upandin w/ certain values crashes:

upandin(1, .15, 1.01, 1.02, 1/365.2425, 2/365.2425); 

rat: replaced -.00995033085316809 by -603/60601 = -.00995033085262619 

rat: replaced 2.718281828459045 by 23225/8544 = 2.718281835205993 

rat: replaced 8116.5 by 16233/2 = 8116.5 

rat: replaced 2.718281828459045 by 23225/8544 = 2.718281835205993 

rat: replaced -8116.5 by -16233/2 = -8116.5 

rat: replaced 1.0 by 1/1 = 1.0 

rat: replaced 1.792882852833688 by 4484/2501 = 1.792882846861255 

rat: replaced 180.1832400641081 by 126849/704 = 180.1832386363636 

rat: replaced 2.718281828459045 by 23225/8544 = 2.718281835205993 

rat: replaced -8116.5 by -16233/2 = -8116.5 

rat: replaced -1.0 by -1/1 = -1.0 

rat: replaced 1.792882852833688 by 4484/2501 = 1.792882846861255 

rat: replaced 180.1832400641081 by 126849/704 = 180.1832386363636 

rat: replaced 2.718281828459045 by 23225/8544 = 2.718281835205993 

rat: replaced -8116.5 by -16233/2 = -8116.5 

rat: replaced 1.0 by 1/1 = 1.0 

rat: replaced -1.0 by -1/1 = -1.0 
Maxima encountered a Lisp error: 

 The value 16090668801 is not of type FIXNUM.

Without the float() in upandin, Maxima just leaves the integral in original form.

Can someone help? I thought converting Mathematica to Maxima would be easy, but now I'm not as sure.

The Mathematica version works fine:

pdflp[x_, p0_, v_, p1_, p2_, t1_, t2_] :=  

cdfmaxlp[x_, p0_, v_, p1_, p2_, t1_, t2_] := 1-Erf[x/(v*Sqrt[t2-t1]/Sqrt[2])]; 

(* NIntegrate below "equivalent" to Maxima's float(); no closed form *) 

upandin[p0_, v_, p1_, p2_, t1_, t2_] :=  
 NIntegrate[pdflp[x, p0, v, p1, p2, t1, t2]* 
           cdfmaxlp[Log[p1]-x, p0, v, p1, p2, t1, t2], 
{x, -Infinity, Log[p1]}] 

upandin[1, .15, 1.01, 1.02, 1/365.2425, 2/365.2425] 

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1 Answer

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answered 2011-03-26 19:45:51 +0200

Even though Sage includes Maxima (primarily as a backend) I think your question would be better answered in a Maxima forum. Try the Maxima Wiki or the Maxima FAQ.

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Asked: 2011-03-26 19:39:04 +0200

Seen: 562 times

Last updated: Mar 26 '11