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arctan of infinity is undefined

asked 13 years ago

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Using the following code for an equation, I get an undefined result for arctan(oo):

sage: var('t, p, w')
(t, p, w)
sage: a = w^2
sage: b = w
sage: k = b/a
sage: phi = arctan(k)
sage: a = lim(k, w=0)
sage: a
sage: lim(phi, w=0) # should be pi/2 ?
sage: b = oo
sage: arctan(b)
sage: a==b
sage: arctan(a)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: cannot coerce arguments: no canonical coercion from The Unsigned Infinity Ring to Symbolic Ring

What is wrong?

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answered 13 years ago

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This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >750 is welcome to improve it.

The key here is the error message:

TypeError: cannot coerce arguments: no canonical coercion from The Unsigned Infinity Ring to Symbolic Ring

Sage has several kinds of infinity. The usual kind is oo. But there is also an unsigned one, the sort of thing that happens at vertical asymptotes that Churchill referred to.

sage: lim(1/x^2,x=0)
sage: lim(1/x,x=0)

Perhaps annoyingly,

sage: Infinity

But anyway,

sage: arctan(oo)
sage: arctan(-oo)

So there is no canonical answer. To recap:

sage: oo in SR
sage: -oo in SR
sage: lim(1/x,x=0) in SR

To the other question implicit in the post:

sage: lim(arctan(1/x),x=0,dir='+')
sage: lim(arctan(1/x),x=0,dir='-')

So no, the limit you marked with "# should be pi/2 ?" should be und, or undefined.

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Asked: 13 years ago

Seen: 1,443 times

Last updated: May 13 '11