Expansion cos(3x)
Is there a way in the Sagemath language to expand expression like cos(n*x) in terms of sin(x) and cos(x)?
Is there a way in the Sagemath language to expand expression like cos(n*x) in terms of sin(x) and cos(x)?
sage: cos(3*x).trig_expand()
cos(x)^3 - 3*cos(x)*sin(x)^2
Sage has a lot of tutorials ; a (somewhat helicopteric) tour of Sage, a main tutorial, and many more indexed here. There is also an excellent (while slightly outdated) book introducing a lot of Sage concepts in various branches of mathematical computing (warmingly recommended).
The reference manual is also easily accessible "inline" : typing
sage: x.trig_expand?
displays about 4 screenfuls of description and examples, starting with :
Expand trigonometric and hyperbolic functions of sums of angles and
of multiple angles occurring in "self".
For best results, "self" should already be expanded.
* "full" -- boolean (default: "False"); to enhance user control of
simplification, this function expands only one level at a time by
default, expanding sums of angles or multiple angles. To obtain
full expansion into sines and cosines immediately, set the
optional parameter full to "True".
* "half_angles" -- boolean (default: "False"); if "True", causes
half-angles to be simplified away
* "plus" -- boolean (default: "True"); controls the sum rule.
Expansion of sums (e.g. \sin(x + y)) will take place only if
"plus" is "True".
* "times" -- boolean (default: "True"); controls the product rule,
expansion of products (e.g. \sin(2 x)) will take place only if
[ elided... ]
In other words, RTFM...
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Asked: 2024-10-11 13:15:20 +0100
Seen: 138 times
Last updated: Oct 11
complex exponential/trigonometric
Trigonometric Equation Solving: Not Terminating
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Calculus graphing. Urgent help appreciated! [closed]
Simplify produces an incorrect result.
Sage fails to evaluate this expression.