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multivars eq ?

asked 2024-09-27 10:01:26 +0200

ortollj gravatar image

how do I get SageMath to give me both solutions?

# R.<theta_0,theta_1>=QQ[]
aVars=var(['a_00', 'a_01', 'a_10', 'a_11'])
eqL.append(3*theta_0^2 + 9*theta_0*theta_1 + 5*theta_1^2 == \
           a_00*theta_0^2 + a_01*theta_0*theta_1 + a_10*theta_0*theta_1 + a_11*theta_1^2)
eqL.append(-a_01*a_10 + a_00*a_11 == 1)

for eq in eqL :
#how do I get SageMath to give me both solutions?    
# 2 solutions 
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Call solve(eqL,aVars) ?

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 2024-09-27 12:50:16 +0200 )edit

W11,WSL UBUNTU SAGEMATH 10.2 solve(eqL,aVars) gives me something complicated, extract below:

[[a_00 == -1/2*((r1 + r2 - 9)*theta_0*theta_1 - 3*theta_0^2 - 5*theta_1^2 + sqrt(-6*(r1 + r2 - 9)*theta_0^3*theta_1 + (r1^2 - 2*(r1 + 9)*r2 + r2^2 - 18*r1 + 107)*theta_0^2*theta_1^2 - 10*(r1 + r2 - 9)*theta_0*theta_1^3 + 9*theta_0^4 + 25*theta_1^4))/theta_0^2, a_01 == r1, a_10 == r2, a_11 == -1/2*((r1 + r2 - 9)*theta_0*theta_1 - 3*theta_0^2 - 5*theta_1^2 - sqrt(-6*(r1 + r2 - 9)*theta_0^3*theta_1 + (r1^2 - 2*(r1 + 9)*r2 + r2^2 - 18*r1 + 107)*theta_0^2*theta_1^2 - 10*(r1 + r2 - 9)*theta_0*theta_1^3 + 9*theta_0^4 + 25*theta_1^4))/theta_1^2], [a_00 == -1/2*((r3 + r4 - 9)*theta_0*theta_1 - 3*theta_0^2 - 5*theta_1^2 - sqrt(-6*(r3 + r4 - 9)*theta_0^3*theta_1 + (r3^2 -
ortollj gravatar imageortollj ( 2024-09-27 13:17:13 +0200 )edit

human can solve this 2 equations very easily for aVars

ortollj gravatar imageortollj ( 2024-09-27 13:38:53 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2024-09-27 14:08:51 +0200

Max Alekseyev gravatar image

It looks like you want to treat the first equation as polynomial, meaning the equality of the coefficients for each monomial in theta's. If so, you need to add those equalities as individual equations:

R.<theta_0,theta_1> = SR[]
aVars=var(['a_00', 'a_01', 'a_10', 'a_11'])
eqL.extend( ( 3*theta_0^2 + 9*theta_0*theta_1 + 5*theta_1^2 - \
(a_00*theta_0^2 + a_01*theta_0*theta_1 + a_10*theta_0*theta_1 + a_11*theta_1^2) ).coefficients() )
eqL.append(-a_01*a_10 + a_00*a_11 == 1)
show( solve(eqL,aVars) )

which gives exactly the two solutions you want.

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Thank you @Max Alekseyev .

ortollj gravatar imageortollj ( 2024-09-27 15:58:13 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2024-09-27 10:01:26 +0200

Seen: 85 times

Last updated: Sep 27