Well... your expression is a rational fraction of two polynomials, of degree 6 in x. There is no such thing as an x15… coefficient.
However, this fraction can be approximated (Taylor development) as series in x, whose coefficient in x15 may contain terms in d7, which may contain a term in r8. An obvious way to search is :
sage: foo=1/(1-((x*d+(x*d)^2+(x*d)^3)/(1+x*d+(x*d)^2+(x*d)^3)+(x*r+(x*r)^2+(x*r)^3)/(1+x*r+(x*r)^2+(x*r)^3)))
sage: foo.series(x, 16).coefficient(x^15).expand().coefficient(d^7).expand().coefficient(r^8)
I use free version of ChatGPT,
Don't. For mathematical purposes, ChatGPT (and other LLM engines) are (expensive) noise|bullshit generators. Do it yourself.
EDIT : lazier alternative:
sage: R1.<x,d,r>=LazyPowerSeriesRing(QQbar)
sage: foo=1/(1-((x*d+(x*d)^2+(x*d)^3)/(1+x*d+(x*d)^2+(x*d)^3)+(x*r+(x*r)^2+(x*r)
....: ^3)/(1+x*r+(x*r)^2+(x*r)^3)))
foo is the (infinite) polynomial approximating youir fraction with an arbitrary precision. The term you seek is of total degree 30, therefore one of the terms of :
sage: foo[30] # Alternative : foo.coefficient(30)
x^15*d^12*r^3 + 65*x^15*d^11*r^4 + 546*x^15*d^10*r^5 + 1860*x^15*d^9*r^6 + 3296*x^15*d^8*r^7 + 3296*x^15*d^7*r^8 + 1860*x^15*d^6*r^9 + 546*x^15*d^5*r^10 + 65*x^15*d^4*r^11 + x^15*d^3*r^12
eliminating the terms of too high degree in d and r gives us the relevant term :
sage: foo[30].truncate(d, 8).truncate(r, 9)
Homework question?