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Execute notebook sessions without storing it at the server

asked 14 years ago

twk gravatar image

Hi, is there a possibility to execute notebook sessions that are stored at an external path (without having it stored at the server)?

Is it also possible to execute sessions from the command-line and just get the stored outputs and printed outputs?

Thanks for your help

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answered 14 years ago

William Stein gravatar image
  1. Hi, is there a possibility to execute notebook sessions that are stored at an external path (without having it stored at the server)?No, this isn't possible right now. You can save your worksheets though, by clicking "File --> Save worksheet to a file". If you're talking about using a remote server (like, then this feature might be impossible to due to security restrictions made by applications that run in web browsers (however, we want to add Dropbox support for worksheets to the remote notebook sometime in the next few months). If you're talking about using the Sage notebook locally, e.g., you typed "sage: notebook()", then I could see a feature like this appearing in the near future.

  2. Is it also possible to execute sessions from the command-line and just get the stored outputs and printed outputs? This page is supposed to be about such functionality:

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Asked: 14 years ago

Seen: 462 times

Last updated: Jan 17 '11