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Data files on public servers access

asked 2011-01-13 09:09:11 +0100

v_2e gravatar image

I use public Sage servers from time to time and I have a question about their work.
For example, let's imagine I created a sheet which got a number 3. The corresponding folder with the same name is created on the server's hard disk. Then all what I do on that sheet is stored in that folder, right?

  • If I want to store some data into a file or to create a text file with some table in it to use it further with other software, those files are also stored in the folder "3", right? If so, then can these files be accessed to only from this sheet or from another my sheets too?
  • Who is the owner of such files? As far as I understand, when I open any one of my sheets, a new user is logged into a system and all the files created by this user during this session belong to this user.
  • Can other users access my files if they get the same username under which I had saved those files?
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answered 2011-01-18 11:48:33 +0100

William Stein gravatar image

You should read the notebook help screen (click help in the upper right). Pay particular attention to the section about the DATA variable.

If so, then can these files be accessed to only from this sheet or from another my sheets too?

Only that worksheet, unless you use the GUI to link something in the data directory to another worksheet.

Who is the owner of such files?

On the notebook server owns all files, except temp files made while executing a computation. When a worksheet starts running a copy of the relevant files (e.g., in DATA) is put in /tmp/, set readable/writable by the worksheet user, etc. After the cell is executed, the files that were output are copied back into the longterm worksheet storage, and set to be owned only by the server user.

Can other users access my files if they get the same username under which I had saved those files?

On, all user code runs under the same username. However, that user does not have access to anything in the notebook server's directory, which is set to have restrictive permissions. After files are created by worksheets, they are copied into that directory, as mentioned above.

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You mentioned '' few times. So, does this depend on a certain server configuration?

v_2e gravatar imagev_2e ( 2011-01-26 07:42:11 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2011-01-13 09:09:11 +0100

Seen: 653 times

Last updated: Jan 18 '11